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Examples of lines, 3D primitives, and 2D drawings (Code): primitives

Shorthand methods

For frequently used drawable types, guik::LightViewer provides shorthand methods to quickly create and update drawables.

// Primitives
viewer->update_sphere("sphere", guik::FlatRed());
viewer->update_wire_sphere("wire_sphere", guik::FlatRed());
viewer->update_coord("coord", guik::VertexColor());
viewer->update_wire_frustum("frustum", guik::FlatGreen());

// PointCloudBuffer
// Any of Vector(3|4)(f|d) are allowed as input
std::vector<Eigen::Vector4d> points = ...;
viewer->update_points("points", points, guik::Rainbow());

// NormalDistributions
std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> means = ...;
std::vector<Eigen::Matrix3f> covs = ...;
float scale = 1.0f;
viewer->update_normal_dists("normal_dists", means, covs, scale, guik::Rainbow());)

// ThinLine
std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> line_vertices = ...;
bool line_strip = true;
viewer->update_thin_lines("lines", line_vertices, true, guik::FlatGreen());

3D Primitives

  • Icosahedron
  • Sphere
  • Stanford bunny
  • Cube
  • Cone
  • Coordinate system
  • Frustum
#include <glk/primitives/primitives.hpp>

// Solid and wire icosahedrons

// Solid and wire spheres

// Solid and wire bunnies

// Solid and wire cubes

// Solid and wire cones

// RGB-colored coordinate systems rendered using GL_LINES and polygons
// They should be rendered with guik::VertexColor

// Wire frustum for representing a camera pose (+Z=front)



glk::ThinLines draws lines with GL_LINES. The thickness of lines is independent of the viewpoint.

#include <glk/thin_lines.hpp>

// Line vertices
std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> vertices = ...;

// If line_strip == true, lines are drawn between adjacent vertices (GL_LINE_STRIP).
// If line_strip == false, lines are drawn between vertices[i * 2] and vertices[i * 2 + 1] (GL_LINES).
bool line_strip = true;

// Create lines (All vertices are processed in order)
auto lines = std::make_shared<glk::ThinLines>(vertices, line_strip);

// Create lines with indexing
std::vector<unsigned int> indices = ...;
auto lines_with_indices = std::make_shared<glk::ThinLines>(vertices, indices, line_strip);

// Create lines with vertex colors
std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f> colors = ...;
auto lines_with_colors = std::make_shared<glk::ThinLines>(vertices, colors, line_strip);

// Set line width (glLineWidth)

glk::Lines draws lines with polygons. The thickness of lines changes depending on the viewpoint and perspective.

#include <glk/thin_lines.hpp>

float line_width = 0.1f;
std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> vertices = ...;
std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f> colors = ...;
bool line_strip = true;

auto lines = std::make_shared<glk::Lines>(line_width, vertices, colors, line_strip);


Point cloud

glk::PointCloudBuffer holds and renders a 3D point cloud.

#include <glk/pointcloud_buffer.hpp>

// Create PointCloudBuffer from std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f>
std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> vertices = ...;
auto cloud_buffer = std::make_shared<glk::PointCloudBuffer>(vertices);

// Add vertex colors
std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f> colors = ...;

// Add vertex colors that encode scalar values in [0, 1]
std::vector<double> intensities = ...;
cloud_buffer->add_intensity(glk::COLORMAP::TURBO, intensities);

// Add vertex normals
std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> normals = ...;

// Add AUX point property
std::vector<float> values = ...;
int dim = 1;
cloud_buffer->add_buffer("radius", dim,, sizeof(float) * dim, values.size());

// Enlarge point size
auto shader_setting = guik::Rainbow().set_point_scale(2.0f);
viewer->update_drawable("points", cloud_buffer, shader_setting);

Screenshot_20230101_005425 glk::PointCloudBuffer rendered with guik::Rainbow

glk::IndexedPointCloudBuffer enables specifying the indices of vertices to be rendered.

#include <glk/indexed_pointcloud_buffer.hpp>

std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> vertices = ...;
auto cloud_buffer = std::make_shared<glk::PointCloudBuffer>(vertices);

std::vector<unsigned int> indices = ...;
auto indexed_buffer = std::make_shared<glk::IndexedPointCloudBuffer>(cloud_buffer, indices);

Point shape

The point shape (rectangles by default) can be changed to circles by setting point_shape_mode=PointShapeMode::CIRCLE.

auto viewer = guik::viewer();
guik::ShaderSetting& global_setting = viewer->shader_setting();
global_setting.set_point_shape_mode(guik::PointShapeMode::RECTANGLE);  // Set default point shape mode to RECTANGLE. Alternatively, global_setting.set_point_shape_rectangle() can be used.
global_setting.set_point_shape_mode(guik::PointShapeMode::CIRCLE);     // Set default point shape mode to CIRCLE. Alternatively, global_setting.set_point_shape_circle() can be used.

Point scale

Screen space scaling (default)
The size of points is computed as radius_pix = point_scale * point_size * nz + point_size_offset, where nz is the fragment screen space depth in [0, 1]. By default point_scale=1.0, point_size=10.0, point_size_offset=0.0, and they can be updated by setting values to guik::ShaderSetting.

auto viewer = guik::viewer();
guik::ShaderSetting& global_setting = viewer->shader_setting();
  global_setting.set_point_scale_screenspace();   // Set the point scale mode to screenspace
  global_setting.set_point_size(5.0f);            // Set the base point size to 5.0

auto cloud_buffer = std::make_shared<glk::PointCloudBuffer>(...);
// Make the size of points as twice large as the base point size
viewer->update_drawable("points", cloud_buffer, guik::FlatBlue().set_point_scale(2.0f));

Metric space scaling
The size of points is computed based on the physical size specified as radius_m = point_scale * point_size + point_size_offset.

auto viewer = guik::viewer();
guik::ShaderSetting& global_setting = viewer->shader_setting();
  global_setting.set_point_size(0.5f);  // Set default point radius to 0.5

auto cloud_buffer = std::make_shared<glk::PointCloudBuffer>(...);
// Set point radius to 0.5
viewer->update_drawable("points", cloud_buffer, guik::FlatBlue().set_point_size(0.5f));

ss_1710604595 779500 Red : Wire spheres (radius=0.5), Blue : Points rendered with PointCloudBuffer (point_shape_mode=CIRCLE, point_scale_mode=METRIC, point_size=0.5).

Normal distributions


#include <glk/normal_distributions.hpp>

std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> means = ...;
std::vector<Eigen::Matrix3f> covs = ...;
float scale = 1.0f;

auto normal_distributions = std::make_shared<glk::NormalDistributions>(means, covs, scale);

Point splatting


#include <glk/splatting.hpp>

// Create a PointCloudBuffer with normals
std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> vertices = ...;
std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> normals = ...;
auto cloud_buffer = std::make_shared<glk::PointCloudBuffer>(vertices);

// Create a splatting shader
auto splatting_shader = glk::create_splatting_shader();

// Create a splatting instance
float point_radius = 0.1f;
auto splatting = std::make_shared<glk::Splatting>(splatting_shader);

// If vertex radius is enabled, the radius of each point is calculated as point_radius * vertex's radius.
// Otherwise, the fixed point_radius is used for rendering all points.

std::vector<float> radii = ...;
cloud_buffer->add_buffer("radius", 1,, sizeof(float), radii.size());

points Sparse point cloud

splats Sparse point cloud rendered using glk::Splatting

splats2 Closer look at the splatting result: Points are rendered as oriented disks


#include <glk/mesh.hpp>

std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> vertices = ...;
std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> normals = ...;
std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f> colors = ...;
std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f> tex_coords;
std::vector<unsigned int> indices;

// Create a mesh instance
// Pass nullptr if normal/color/tex_coord is not available
auto mesh = std::make_shared<glk::Mesh>(, sizeof(float) * 3,, sizeof(float) * 3,, sizeof(float) * 4,, sizeof(float) * 2,

std::shared_ptr<glk::Texture> texture = ...;

2D Drawings

guik::HoveredDrawings projects 3D object positions on the screen and draws 2D primitives on the projected positions.

#include <guik/hovered_drawings.hpp>

// Create hovered drawings renderer and register it to the viewer
auto hovered = std::make_shared<guik::HoveredDrawings>();
viewer->register_ui_callback("hovered", hovered->create_callback());

// Draw a text at a fixed 3D position (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
std::uint32_t fg_color = IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, 255);
std::uint32_t bg_color = IM_COL32(0, 0, 0, 128);
hovered->add_text({1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f}, "text1", fg_color, bg_color);

// Instead of directly giving a 3D position, a drawable name can be 
// used to draw a 2D drawing on the drawable position
hovered->add_text_on("drawable_name", "text2", fg_color, bg_color);

// Cross
Eigen::Vector3f position = {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f};
std::uint32_t color = IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, 255);
float size = 10.0f;
hovered->add_cross(position, color, size);

// Circle
float radius = 10.0f;
hovered->add_circle(position, color, radius);

// Triangle
float height = 20.0f;
hovered->add_triangle(position, color, height);
hovered->add_filled_triangle(position, color, height);

// Rectangle
Eigen::Vector2f size = {10.0f, 10.0f};
Eigen::Vector2f offset = {0.0f, 0.0f};
hovered->add_rect(position, color, size, offset);
hovered->add_filled_rect(position, color, size, offset);

// Image (glk::Texture)
std::make_shared<glk::Texture> texture = ...;
hovered->add_image(position, texture, size, offset);


guik::HoveredDrawings can be drawn on subviewers.

auto sub = viewer->sub_viewer("sub");
auto hovered = std::make_shared<guik::HoveredDrawings>(sub);
hovered->add_rect_on("coord", IM_COL32(0, 255, 0, 255));
sub->register_ui_callback("hovered", hovered->create_callback());

Image (2D texture)

#include <glk/texture.hpp>

// Create a texture from raw pixel data
Eigen::Vector2i size = ...;
GLuint internal_format = GL_RGBA;
GLuint format = GL_RGB;
std::vector<unsigned char> pixels = ...;
auto texture = std::make_shared<glk::Texture>(size, internal_format, format, type,;

// Register the image to the viewer
viewer->update_image("image", texture);

There is also a utility function to create a texture from cv::Mat.

#include <glk/texture_opencv.hpp>

cv::Mat image = ...;
auto texture = glk::create_texture(image);

viewer->update_image("image", texture);


If an image name contains '/', the string before the slash is recognized as a group name, and images with the same group name are grouped in a tab.

viewer->update_image("group0/image0", texture);
viewer->update_image("group0/image1", texture);
viewer->update_image("group1/image0", texture);


Plots (ImPlot)

#include <implot.h>
#include <guik/viewer/light_viewer.hpp>

std::vector<double> xs = ...;
std::vector<double> ys = ...;

// Basic plotting
viewer->setup_plot("curves_y", 1024, 256);
viewer->update_plot_line("curves_y", "sin", ys_sin);  // When only Y values are given, X values become index IDs
viewer->update_plot_stairs("curves_y", "sin_stairs", ys_sin);

std::vector<double> xs_circle = ...;
std::vector<double> ys_circle = ...;

// If a plot name contains "/", the string before the slash is recognized as a group name.
// Plots with the same group name are displayed in the same tab.
viewer->setup_plot("group02/circle", 1024, 1024, ImPlotFlags_Equal);
viewer->update_plot_line("group02/circle", "circle", xs_circle, ys_circle, ImPlotLineFlags_Loop);
