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Extension modules

Open-source extension modules

glim_ext provides example implementations of extension modules that demonstrate the extensibility of GLIM. All the implemented modules are decoupled from GLIM main components and inter-module communication is conducted via the global callback slot mechanism.


The implementations in glim_ext are proof-of-concept code for showing the extensibility of GLIM. They may not be well-maintained and may not be suitable for practical purposes.


Each module in glim_ext uses several external libraries that employ different licenses. You must carefully check and follow their licensing conditions.


cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone

cd ~/ros2_ws
colcon build

Odometry estimation modules

ORB_SLAM-based loose visual integration

  • Loosely coupled visual odometry estimation constraints based on ORB_SLAM3
  • Dependency: ORB_SLAM3 (GPL-3.0)

Velocity suppressor

  • Constraints to regulate IMU velocity

IMU calibration validator

  • Utility module to validate the LiDAR-IMU transformation (See FAQ)

Global optimization modules

GNSS constraints [ROS2 only]

  • Naive implementation of GNSS global optimization constraints

ScanContext loop detector

  • Explicit loop detection based on ScanContext
  • Dependency: ScanContext (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

DBoW loop detector

  • Explicit loop detection based on DBoW3
  • Dependency: DBoW3 (LICENSE)

Closed-source extension modules

The following modules are provided as closed-source packages. Contact us if you are interested in the closed-source modules.

Tightly-coupled multi-LiDAR odometry estimation module

Tightly-coupled multi-camera odometry estimation module

Dense mapping and colorization module