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GLIM is a versatile and extensible range-based 3D mapping framework.

  • Accuracy: GLIM is based on direct multi-scan registration error minimization on factor graphs that enables to accurately retain the consistency of mappint results. GPU acceleration is supported to maximize the mapping speed and quality.
  • Easy-to-use: GLIM offers an interactive map correction interface that enables the user to manually correct mapping failures and easily refine mapping results.
  • Versatility: As we eliminated sensor-specific processes, GLIM can be applied to any kind of range sensors including:
    • Spinning-type LiDAR (e.g., Velodyne HDL32e)
    • Non-repetitive scan LiDAR (e.g., Livox Avia)
    • Solid-state LiDAR (e.g., Intel Realsense L515)
    • RGB-D camera (e.g., Microsoft Azure Kinect)
  • Extensibility: GLIM provides the global callback slot mechanism that allows to access the internal states of the mapping process and insert additional constraints to the factor graph. We also release glim_ext that offers example implementations of several extension functions (e.g., explicit loop detection, LiDAR-Visual-Inertial odometry estimation).

Tested on Ubuntu 22.04 / 24.04 with CUDA 12.2 / 12.5, and NVIDIA Jetson Orin (Jetpack 6.0).

Build test status ROS1 ROS2


Robustness test

Mapping with various range sensors

Outdoor driving test with Livox MID360

See more in Extension modules and Demo pages.


Kenji Koide
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan