Csmall_gicp::AxisAlignedProjection | Conventional axis-aligned projection (i.e., selecting any of XYZ axes with the largest variance) |
Csmall_gicp::Cauchy | Cauchy robust kernel |
Csmall_gicp::CovarianceSetter< PointCloud > | Computes point covariances from eigenvectors and sets them to the point cloud |
Csmall_gicp::DistanceRejector | Rejecting correspondences with large distances |
Csmall_gicp::FlatContainer< HasNormals, HasCovs >::Empty | |
Csmall_gicp::ErrorSum< TargetPointCloud, SourcePointCloud, Factor > | Summation for evaluated errors |
Csmall_gicp::FlatContainer< HasNormals, HasCovs > | Point container with a flat vector |
Csmall_gicp::GaussianVoxel | Gaussian voxel that computes and stores voxel mean and covariance |
Csmall_gicp::GaussNewtonOptimizer | GaussNewton optimizer |
Csmall_gicp::GICPFactor | GICP (distribution-to-distribution) per-point error factor |
Csmall_gicp::traits::has_nearest_neighbor_search< T > | Check if T has nearest_neighbor_search method |
Csmall_gicp::Huber | Huber robust kernel |
Csmall_gicp::ICPFactor | Point-to-point per-point error factor |
Csmall_gicp::identity_transform | Identity transform (alternative to std::identity in C++20) |
Csmall_gicp::IncrementalVoxelMap< VoxelContents > | Incremental voxelmap. This class supports incremental point cloud insertion and LRU-based voxel deletion that removes voxels that are not recently referenced |
Csmall_gicp::KdTree< PointCloud, Projection > | "Safe" KdTree that holds the ownership of the input points |
Csmall_gicp::KdTreeBuilder | Single thread Kd-tree builder |
Csmall_gicp::KdTreeBuilderOMP | Kd-tree builder with OpenMP |
Csmall_gicp::KdTreeBuilderTBB | Kd-tree builder with TBB |
Csmall_gicp::KdTreeNode< Projection > | KdTree node |
Csmall_gicp::KnnResult< N, IndexTransform > | K-nearest neighbor search result container |
Csmall_gicp::KnnSetting | K-nearest neighbor search setting |
Csmall_gicp::LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer | LevenbergMarquardt optimizer |
Csmall_gicp::LinearizeSum< TargetPointCloud, SourcePointCloud, TargetTree, CorrespondenceRejector, Factor > | Summation for linearized systems |
Csmall_gicp::NormalCovarianceSetter< PointCloud > | Computes point normals and covariances from eigenvectors and sets them to the point cloud |
Csmall_gicp::NormalProjection | Normal projection (i.e., selecting the 3D direction with the largest variance of the points) |
Csmall_gicp::NormalSetter< PointCloud > | Computes point normals from eigenvectors and sets them to the point cloud |
Csmall_gicp::NullFactor | Null factor that gives no constraints |
Csmall_gicp::NullRejector | Null correspondence rejector. This class accepts all input correspondences |
Csmall_gicp::ParallelReductionOMP | Parallel reduction with OpenMP backend |
Csmall_gicp::ParallelReductionTBB | Parallel reduction with TBB backend |
Csmall_gicp::PointCloud | Point cloud |
Csmall_gicp::PointCloudProxy< PointT > | Proxy class to access PCL point cloud with external covariance matrices |
Cpcl::PointCovariance | Point with covariance for PCL |
Cpcl::PointNormalCovariance | Point with normal and covariance for PCL |
Csmall_gicp::PointToPlaneICPFactor | Point-to-plane per-point error factor |
Csmall_gicp::ProjectionSetting | Parameters to control the projection axis search |
Csmall_gicp::RadixSortBuffers< T > | Temporal buffers for radix sort |
▼Cpcl::Registration | |
Csmall_gicp::RegistrationPCL< PointSource, PointTarget > | PCL registration interfaces |
Csmall_gicp::Registration< PointFactor, Reduction, GeneralFactor, CorrespondenceRejector, Optimizer > | Point cloud registration |
Csmall_gicp::RegistrationResult | Registration result |
Csmall_gicp::RegistrationSetting | Registration setting |
Csmall_gicp::RestrictDoFFactor | Factor to restrict the degrees of freedom of optimization (e.g., fixing roll, pitch rotation) |
Csmall_gicp::RobustFactor< Kernel, Factor > | Robustify a factor with a robust kernel |
Csmall_gicp::SerialReduction | Single-thread reduction |
Csmall_gicp::Cauchy::Setting | Huber robust kernel setting |
Csmall_gicp::FlatContainer< HasNormals, HasCovs >::Setting | FlatContainer setting |
Csmall_gicp::GaussianVoxel::Setting | |
Csmall_gicp::GICPFactor::Setting | |
Csmall_gicp::Huber::Setting | Huber robust kernel setting |
Csmall_gicp::ICPFactor::Setting | |
Csmall_gicp::PointToPlaneICPFactor::Setting | |
Csmall_gicp::RobustFactor< Kernel, Factor >::Setting | Robust factor setting |
Csmall_gicp::TerminationCriteria | Registration termination criteria |
Csmall_gicp::traits::Traits< T > | |
Csmall_gicp::traits::Traits< Eigen::MatrixXd > | |
Csmall_gicp::traits::Traits< FlatContainer< HasNormals, HasCovs > > | |
Csmall_gicp::traits::Traits< GaussianVoxel > | |
Csmall_gicp::traits::Traits< IncrementalVoxelMap< VoxelContents > > | |
Csmall_gicp::traits::Traits< KdTree< PointCloud, Projection > > | |
Csmall_gicp::traits::Traits< pcl::PointCloud< PointType > > | |
Csmall_gicp::traits::Traits< PointCloud > | |
Csmall_gicp::traits::Traits< PointCloudProxy< PointT > > | |
Csmall_gicp::traits::Traits< UnsafeKdTree< PointCloud, Projection > > | |
Csmall_gicp::UnsafeKdTree< PointCloud, Projection_ > | "Unsafe" KdTree |
Csmall_gicp::UnsafeKdTree< small_gicp::PointCloud, AxisAlignedProjection > | |
Csmall_gicp::VoxelInfo | Voxel meta information |
Csmall_gicp::XORVector3iHash | Spatial hashing function. Teschner et al., "Optimized Spatial Hashing for Collision Detection of Deformable Objects", VMV2003 |